If you struggle with BV, yeast infections, or UTIs it can seem like it’s a never-ending saga of treatments and trips to the clinic or pharmacy. Managing pH balance is a key component of preventing these infections. These tips are a good starting point to keep your vaginal pH balanced:
Try vaginal wipes.
For some women, vaginal wipes can provide relief and cleanliness, especially post-intimacy, after workouts, during a heavy flow, or if you don’t have access to a shower. While your vagina is pH-balanced and cleans itself, some women swear by the effectiveness of pH-balanced wipes.
Take a probiotic for vaginal health.
Taking a probiotic capsule daily will restore lactobacilli levels, your body’s natural defense against harmful bacteria and infections.
Look at your diet.
Besides cutting down on sugary and processed foods, eating foods that are rich in probiotics like kombucha and yogurt. Consuming apple cider vinegar can prevent imbalance, as well as garlic which is a natural anti-fungal.
Avoid antiseptics, scented soaps, or body wash.
Because the vagina self cleans with natural vaginal secretions (discharge) you might be wondering “how do you wash your vagina?” as in, the vulva, labias and the region outside of your vagina. Gently use warm water and hypoallergenic, paraben-free, unscented mild soaps.