Uqora Editorial Standards

At Uqora, we believe knowledge is power when it comes to your health. 

We take pride in delivering accurate, reliable, and insightful content that helps you make more informed decisions regarding your urinary, sexual, and vaginal health.

Innovation and research have been stagnant for these health topics, so relevant and helpful information can be difficult to find. Plus, the information available on these topics can often feel loaded with shame or stigma. 

We’re here to improve the landscape of urinary, sexual, and vaginal health information. That’s why we have a team of trusted science experts to bring you research-backed articles. In our content, we explore a variety of topics and perspectives, encouraging open conversations without judgment. 

At the end of the day, there’s no one right way to approach your health. We hope to provide you with reliable information so you can make confident decisions regarding your health.

Our Editorial Process

Our robust Editorial Process was carefully designed to ensure every piece of content we produce provides you with information you can trust. 

Here's a glimpse into our workflow:

Research and Writing

We're all about the facts. Our commitment to meticulous research ensures that you can trust the information you find in Uqora’s UTI Learning Center. We source the latest research studies, and rigorously review our sources to provide the best information available.

We also ensure that each piece of content is supportive of your experiences so we can support you wherever you are on your health journey.

Review and Verification

Once our writing is complete – our review and verification phase begins. 

Our team of seasoned experts work to verify each source used in our articles, confirming the facts.

Every piece of information in our content is cross-verified against reputable sources. We ensure that each claim, statistic, and piece of information is accurate and reliable.

This meticulous review process guarantees that our content aligns with the latest industry research from sources you can trust.

Continuous Improvement

We understand that the landscape of health and science is dynamic, and new research emerges regularly. We’re committed to staying informed about the latest developments to ensure that our content remains current, reliable, and relevant. 

We regularly update all articles to guarantee you have the most recent, comprehensive data and research.

Content Designed for You

At Uqora, we stand by our commitment to deliver content that educates and empowers. Our editorial standards are the foundation of this commitment – ensuring that every piece of content meets our high standards of accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness.

As a place that’s designed for you, we acknowledge this isn't a one-way street. We want to hear from you! Let us know what you want to see more of so our team can continue to provide you with articles that support you on your health journey.